Hi, I’m Hari and I’m studying the National MA Education (Wales) at Cardiff Met. I always knew I wanted to study a Masters in Education, it was just the question of when and whether it would be realistic and achievable alongside teaching full-time. I studied my PGCE Primary at Cardiff Met in 2019 and I loved it. It made sense to continue my higher education within a facility that values me, my work and is embracing the pedagogy in Wales during the time where schools in Wales are embedding the Curriculum for Wales and the ALN reform. Plus, I was able to apply those extra credits from my PGCE to my Masters which was definitely a bonus! I was also successful in securing Welsh Government funding for the course. I felt confident that I would be supported both by the University and my school to achieve my Masters. I enquired about the MA Education (Wales) course during my second year of teaching, as I realised, I needed to start the ball rolling if I was going to apply, and after that email, next thing I knew I was enrolled!
What do you want to gain from studying the National MA Education (Wales)?
The ALN modules and the Curriculum Design were the first modules that really caught my attention and I feel passionate to explore. I also wanted to extend my higher education and to be a role model to my children. In the Curriculum for Wales, we are teaching the children to be “lifelong learners” and to be “active citizens in our communities” and what better way to set an example to the children that I am still learning new things and enjoying and committing myself to be better. My school have been extremely supportive and have been very encouraging about me continuing with higher education, again demonstrating how schools are learning organisations for all, not just the children.
What’s been the highlights on the MA so far?
I knew that studying my MA Education in Wales was crucial as I wanted to have a focus on the ALN aspect of the course and all of my modules within my Masters were centred around the new ALN reform in Wales and sharing and exploring about the new reform and how it is implemented within schools both on a local and national level. I think this is crucial for practitioners in Wales to be up to date with the national reforms and objectives as it means the learning and assignments are purposeful, beneficial to both myself and the learners within my class, so I can explore and use the practice in action.
I really enjoy the guest speakers during the conference days on the MA. I love having the ALN and SEN specialists come into the sessions, to answer our questions and share their experience and expertise. These professionals are global representatives in some of the areas of learning and I am really inspired by them and honoured that they get to answer our questions and give us their advice and ideas. I like getting the opportunity to share experiences and ideas with other practitioners from all different backgrounds and careers who can share their expertise.

I wanted to extend my higher education to be a role model to my learners. I really enjoy exploring strategies and sharing strategies with other teachers across Wales to share what practices we do in the classroom.
What’s it been like studying and working full-time as a teacher?
I usually dedicate two evenings a week to catch up on readings, lectures or assignment work. It’s better to keep organised and stay on the treadmill!! I like studying a topic and then getting to see it in action in the classroom. For example, one module allowed me to explore “Inclusive Classrooms” and I really enjoyed exploring these strategies and sharing strategies with other teachers across Wales to share what practices we do in the classrooms.
What are you learning that will help you in the classroom?
This course has created a line of enquiry for my ALN aspirations, I think ALN is so important, especially both in education and in society at the moment and having specific modules that cater for exploring and studying this topic has definitely made me explore my own pedagogic styles and strategies.