Module Evalution Policy

National MA Education (Wales)

National Module Evaluation Policy

1.     Scope

This Policy governs the approach to module evaluation at National level for the National MA Education (Wales), to ensure a consistent approach across all participating institutions, and to ensure a consistent student experience regardless of location of study.

  1. Definitions
  1. Participating Institutions: The Universities delivering the National MA Education (Wales) as part of the pan-Wales partnership.
  1. National Conference Days: The teaching days where all students studying at all participating institutions are taught together.
  1. Module Evaluation: Also known as module feedback,the purpose of this is to receive student feedback on the students’ experience of the whole module, to highlight areas of good practice and areas for enhancement.     
  1. Constructive Language: When providing feedback, students are expected to use professional and positive language which focusses on helping Universities find solutions to the problems they raised rather than using it as a complaints forum in order to create a culture of openness and collaboration across the National MA programme.

3.             Principles

  1. Student feedback is vital in providing the Partnership with first-hand information regarding the student experience of teaching, particularly critical for such a complex National programme.  Student feedback is used for enhancement purposes at module and programme level, to ensure the programme continues to meet the needs of students and stakeholders.
  1. All participating institutions have a commitment to encourage and engage with students as partners and to elicit and act upon student feedback as a key quality enhancement mechanism.
  1. Student feedback responses in surveys and module feedback will remain confidential and will comply with participating institutions’ Student Privacy Statements in relation to data processing and handling. 
  1. Students will be reminded to complete the survey using constructive language in compliance with their institution’s Module Evaluation and feedback Policies.  If a student’s survey response is considered to fall short of expected standards, confidentiality may be removed from the survey response and appropriate action taken against that student.
  • Each participating institution will utlise local systems to collect Module Evaluation using the Nationally agreed question set.
  • Module Evaluation questions will be distributed to students at the end of each module and at the end of each National Conference Day.
  • There is no publication threshold on student responses at national level, and therefore the Boards will receive all aggregated and anonymised quantitative and qualitative data. 

4.     Module Evaluation data analysis

  1. All data within participating institutions is analysed and distributed according to each participating institution’s Policy.
  1. All quantitative data is provided by each participating institution to the National Programme Manager in an anonymised format so that data can be aggregated to show a National outcome across all participating institutions.
  1. All quantitative data is rounded up to one decimal place. 
  1. Free Text responses will be aggregated across the partnership, but references to participating institutions and individual lecturers will be redacted for reporting.
  • Once reviewed within each participating institution, National Module Evaluation data is reviewed by the National Academic Board of Studies, and actions or issues are reported/escalated to the National Management Board.
  • Module Evaluation Outcomes
  1. Outcomes of module evaluation will be shared with students on the programme in order to identify actions for enhancement and to close the feedback loop.  This includes responses to any feedback which has resulted in an action, including any actions or requests raised by students which cannot be fulfilled. 
  1. The use and distribution of student Module Evaluation data within each participating institution is restricted in line with each institutions’ Policy.  Anonymised data will be shared with National Bodies responsible for governing the programme.
  1. Module feedback quantitative data and trends can be used for external purposes, if stated as an internal data source.  Free text comments cannot be used as direct quotes for external purposes, only provided as a summary of student feedback.


STUDENTTo complete module evaluation.To provide professional, honest and accurate responses and to not include defamatory language in responses.updates from staff regarding changes and actions as a result of their feedback.To be informed of actions and progress in addressing issues raised through module evaluation.
NATIONAL MODULE COORDINATORTo encourage module lecturers to engage with module feedback process. To review and recommend actions for enhancementTo feedback to students regarding outcomes of module feedback and resultant enhancements.To feedback to students to close the loop where relevant.  Reports and National aggregated data for their module
NATIONAL PROGRAMME MANAGERAggregate and analyse quantitative and qualitative data.Redaction of any identifiersPreparation of Summary ReportsAnonymised raw data from all participating institutions.
NATIONAL PROGRAMME DIRECTORTo utilise module feedback data to ensure teaching quality and relevant enhancements are in place at programme level.  To prepare a National Enhancement Action PlanTo provide National oversight of academic enhancements and to maintain the integrity of the programme whilst leading change.National Summaries of Module Evaluation and Recommended Actions
NATIONAL ACADEMIC BOARD OF STUDIESTo receive reports and agree a Programme Action Plan of enhancements.Discuss and agree changes to the programme or modules relating to Module Evaluation.National Module Evaluation aggregated data (anonymised)National Enhancement Action Plan
NATIONAL MANAGEMENT BOARDTo be accountable for action planning to enhance the student experienceTo agree and oversee the National approach to Module Evaluation.Reports of actions and summary analysis of module evaluation outcomes.

Appendix 1 – National Module Evaluation Questions


Cefais wybodaeth glir ynghylch y gofynion asesu a’r meini prawf marcio.

Marking and Feedback

Mae’r adborth drwy gydol y modiwl wedi fy helpu i ddatblygu a gwella fy nysgu (gall hyn gynnwys adborth ar asesiadau ffurfiannol/crynodol, sesiynau holi ac ateb, tiwtorialau, cyfathrebu drwy e-bost)

Teaching staff/Support

Mae’r staff wedi gwneud y pynciau sy’n rhan o’r modiwl hwn yn ddiddorol

Roedd cymorth perthnasol ar gael i mi drwy gydol y modiwl.

Roedd y staff addysgu yn ymatebol i ymholiadau a phryderon


Gallaf gyrchu gwybodaeth am y modiwl

Mae newidiadau i’r patrwm addysgu neu’r amserlen ar gyfer y modiwl wedi’u cyfleu yn effeithiol


Yn gyffredinol, rwyf yn fodlon ar ansawdd y modiwl.


Rwy’n fodlon gyda’r mynediad at adnoddau dysgu i gefnogi fy nysgu (cynllun dysgu personol, amgylcheddau dysgu rhithwir etc.)

Language of Choice (Welsh/English)

Rwy’n fodlon y gallaf astudio’r modiwl hwn yn Gymraeg neu yn Saesneg yn unol â’m dewis.

Free text

Nodwch un peth yn ystod y modiwl a gafodd yr effaith fwyaf ar eich dysgu.

Pa feysydd y gellid eu gwella?

Beth sydd wedi cael yr effaith fwyaf cadarnhaol ar eich ymarfer?